Philip Larkin! David Whitfield! John Prescott! Maureen Lipman! Andrew Marvell! Can you hear me, Andy Marvell! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating!
Defoe (10, 45, 90+4)
Palacios (14)
Keane (78)
(I know almost no one likely to read this will appreciate it, but just couldn't help myself....)
I appreciate it. It's hard for me not to like a team named after Harry Percy, but in this case, I feel divided because of my love for Marvell. What's a Renaissance Girl to do? (And just how little do I inhabit the actual world of the 21st century?)
My family cheers for Arsenal, by the way. So any success enjoyed by Tottenham is bitter indeed.
Kev just gave me the youtube update on your reference. I feel enlightened.
This beautiful site has been soured somewhat by the image of Jermain Defoe in the Spurs away kit. As an Arsenal fan I take exception to it.
I stumbled onto this site after making a google enquiry for some lost lines from Edwin Brock’s Turn the Key Deftly.
Thanks for the nice comment, Raines - as you can probably tell, I've let this blog rust of late, thanks to moving house and various other traumas, but I will try to get it going again over the next few weeks. Are you working on Brock, or just enjoying reading him? He's someone I mean to read more of.
I think most Spurs fans are taking exception to our awful kit this season, although if it's the price we have to pay for breaking into the top four (I can dream) then so be it.
Patrick - I bought the Penguin Modern Poets volume on Brock at the time of its publication in the sixties. I had bought the earlier volumes too and the series was an introduction to a kind of writing that was new to me.
The books usually featured three writers and of the earlier ones, I can thoroughly recommend No.4 David Holbrook, Christopher Midddleton, David Weevil.
Perhaps it was the time I read these (in my teens) but some of the lines have resonated with me through the years. I sometimes have difficulty in attributing the correct author with a specific poem and it was in a mood of verification for the Brock piece that I turned up your blog.
‘Turn the key Deftly’ is particularly relevant to me at my age and I used the stanza you mentioned on a birthday card to my wife on her 60th birthday.
Its interesting you should mention Larkin, who is another favourite of mine and recently I have discovered Paul Farley who brings the Larkin canon up to date. If you haven’t read him I urge you to do so.
Best Wishes
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